I love Anthropologie. It pretty much consumes my closet. With summer approaching, I of course needed a few dresses. Need not want. I should clarify that. After all, I can't run around nude can I?
I was just about to step into the dressing room yesterday when I stopped in my tracks to see this dress. (see above)
Did I miss something, or is Anthropologie now designing for the Duggars?
I mean, where on earth would you wear this? Wait, wait, I know. This is the perfect outfit for the Little House on the Prairie convention I was going to attend. And, I'll get even more mileage out of this when I start my own Big Love compound in Utah. Now, if I can just get that Mormon hairstyle down.......
So, if any buyers from Anthro are reading this...and I know you must be:)...PLEASE make this the last Warren Jeff's approved dress you stock. It scared me.
OMG did you the Mormon polygamists actually have a special hair-spray/gel stuff they use to conquer the "Mormon wave?!" Yup, I'm dead serious! I am sad to say that I actually think those dresses are cute...if you wanna look like an American Girl doll....