It was only a matter of time before I had to blog about food. Most people close to me know that I love me some oreos. I should be in FA (Food Addicts Anonymous) for my problem. Hello, my name is Mary Frances. I am addicted to Oreos. Hi Mary Frances.
That being said, oreos are bad. BAD BAD BAD. Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil. Check. Loaded with Sugar. Check. Making my ass larger with each bite. Check.
But.....I've found a loophole. Newman-O's. NO Partially Hydrogenated Oil. Check. Organic. Check. Low on butt fat producing sugar and carbs. Check.
Now, I realize these are not a new thing. In fact, I've been eating them for a few years. But, it wasn't until tonight that I noticed a poem on the back of the bag.
Ode to Newman-O's
You might, m'lady
tweak my nose.
You could, m'lord
step on my toes.
But Heaven help
those poor bozos,
who try to filch
my Newman-O's.
Finally, someone gets it. Touch my food, and you WILL loose a hand. Thank you Paul Newman.
Until I see Double Stuff, Newman O's will always be inferior.